The Thought Model Worksheet

Understand and change unhelpful thought patterns

As humans, we’ve developed the unique ability to give word-based language to our thoughts. That is, thoughts can be expressed as sentences in our heads. We can observe and edit these sentences, changing their sentiment, how they impact us, and eventually, where the story goes.

By noticing our thoughts and consciously managing them, we gain more control over how we want to feel and act. We literally become more thoughtful and less reactive.

Using the Thought Model to change behaviour and beliefs

The Thought Model is a tool from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for gaining a deeper understanding of what’s going on with your thoughts, feelings and behaviour in any situation. By bringing awareness to these thought patterns, you will be able to choose more productive thoughts, and ultimately, feel more empowered to achieve the things you want.

You can notice, practice, and apply Thought Models anywhere, anytime, for any thought at all. The process will become more automatic as you become more self-aware and skilled at this. Over time, this practice can lead to feeling more productive, motivated, and confident.

Download the Thought Model worksheet and start having more helpful thoughts every day.

Get in touch with me if you’d like help with this!

Additional resources:

Remember, change happens in small, manageable steps. For example, if you have a mindset goal — such as wanting to change your beliefs around a particular topic — you likely won’t be able to get there in one giant leap of new thought. This is what Thought Ladders are for and they’re a great complement to the Thought Model. More on using the Thought Ladder

Also see How to think new thoughts and other posts about Thoughtwork