The coaching session is less important than what happens after

It's not about the number of sessions. Or hourly rates. Or even the models and techniques that are used…

Hands over a round sink, washing dishes.

Image by Nuclear_lily from Getty Images

Where the real work happens

When you collaborate with a knowledgeable and professional coach, you are making an investment in yourself to achieve a certain outcome.

For some people, that means to stop worrying. Or to feel confident enough to speak up in meetings. Or to plan a career move. Or to get better at planning anything.

Whatever it is, you want it, you don't currently have it, and it is worth something to you and in your life to get it.

There are the literal session hours that go into helping you achieve your goal, but that's not where the real work is. It's in between.

It's when you take an insight from our conversations, and it pops up at various moments in your life. When you notice something you didn't before, and that starts to matter to you in a new way. When that prompts you to do something slightly differently. And you feel better for it.

Then we take it further

At its core, coaching is a thinking partnership between the two of us to help you advance YOUR thinking. Like therapy, I won't tell you what to think, what to do, or how to do it. Unlike therapy, we are focused on your future and the outcome you want.

And sure, I bring the tools, models, and techniques to try. Plus my expertise, the experience to create a nice comfy space for you to think, and questions to challenge your thinking. I'm available to you outside of those session hours as well, because coaching — like any relationship — is a full-time gig. I'm here for it.

It’s about what’s best for you

When I'm your coach, I'm intensely focused on you and your goals, and helping you get what you need for you to achieve them. I've dedicated myself to many incredible people these past several years, supporting them to create the outcomes they want. I've helped people change careers, save time, stop overthinking, plan their futures, make more money, and to celebrate their accomplishments…all without guilt or worry of what others will think.

What that's meant for me and my business is that I've proven to myself that I can consistently build relationships that have positive impact on peoples' lives in the ways that are most meaningful to them.

If you've got an outcome in mind, I'm looking for new thinking partners. Will you be one of them?

If you’re still exploring what coaching is and how it works, please visit my coaching page


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